Monday Musings Vol. 18 // Fall Recipes I'm Crushing On

Fall in the kitchen is one of my most favorite times of the year. Sure, summer is filled with wonderful ingredients, bright and fresh flavors, and endless possibilities, but fall is filled with comfort and love. Here are a few recipes on my “to make” list. Have you made any of these? Any that are particularly peaking your interest? Let me know in the comments below!

I’m super excited to give these a try this season. I’d love to know what’s on your “to make” list, so share them in the comments below! Let’s get this season started off with some delicious flavors and fun new recipes.

Molly Maron

Jill of All Trades based out of Houston, Texas. I specialize in photography, videography, branding, and digital design. I am truly right brained-left brained, there's no doubt about it! I'm creative at my core, but think with a strong analytical mind. I look at everything from the eye of the beholder, and the users experience is more important to me than any thing else. I might be considered a "corporate junky" among my creative friends because I don't do things for the sake of creativity. I am a strategic thinker, with a creative flair, following the data, the analytics, the numbers, and the customer's voice in order to design, develop, and strategize.

Brunch at Home: Part Two – Puff Pastry is Life!


Lunch Prep’s New Friend: Chickpea Chicken Salad